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48 books added

Katherine Bone

Katherine Bone has been passionate about all things historical since she was an Army brat traveling all over the world. As a budding artist, she met and fell in love with her own Prince Charming, a dashing lieutenant vowing duty, honor, and country. Whisked away to more Army bases, castles, battlegrounds and cathedrals, it was during this time in her life that the muse called with abandon, introducing her to swashbuckling characters promising adventures that would ease the lonely hours Charming was called away on duty. No longer nomadic, Katherine and her rogue have raised four children and set down southern roots with their fluffy Maine Coon, Christine Daae.

Genres: Historical Romance
New and upcoming books
June 2024

My Own Private Lyon
(Lyon's Den Connected World)
August 2024

Lady Vengeance
(Revenge of the Wallflowers, book 24)
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