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Judi Culbertson

Judi Culbertson graduated from Hampton DuBose High School in Florida, and majored in creative writing at Wheaton College in Illinois.  After two years in Philadelphia she moved to Long Island where her son Andy was born.  Here she published GAMES CHRISTIANS PLAY (Harper & Row, 1967), followed by THE LITTLE WHITE BOOK ON RACE (Lippincott, 1970) with a friend, Patti Bard.  
           In 1970 Judi began working for the Suffolk County Department of Social Services, working with families at risk, children in foster care and, finally, in the Court Unit where she wrote petitions to free children for adoption.  During this time she was writing articles for Glamour, The New York Times, Newsday, Cosmopolitan, Woman's Day, Working Mother, and others and travel stories for major newspapers.         

Genres: Mystery
Delhi Laine Mystery
   1. A Novel Death (2011)
   2. An Illustrated Death (2013)
   3. A Photographic Death (2014)
   4. A Bookmarked Death (2015)
   5. Exit Row (2016)
   The Nursery (1996)
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