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Jeremy Dyson

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Jeremy Dyson lives for one reason; to kill zombies. Until he gets that chance, he occupies his time drinking beer, writing stories, and teaching his children not to go to the bathroom on the floor. So far he has only succeeded in two of those endeavors.

After studying at the University of Iowa, Jeremy moved back home to Illinois, worked on a farm, built websites, made lattes, wrote how-to articles, and took dogs for walks before deciding he should probably do something different. About a year later, his debut novel, Rise of the Dead, was released. The rest is history. His writing influences are J.D. Salinger, Cormac McCarthy, Ernest Hemingway, Raymond Carver, and the late, great George Romero.

He currently resides in the cozy town of Crystal Lake, Illinois with his wife, two daughters, a dog, and his best friend, Jason Voorhees.

Okay, I just made that last part u


Realm Of The Dead
   1. Rise of the Dead (2016)
   2. Return of the Dead (2017)
   3. Rage of the Dead (2018)
   4. Refuge Of The Dead (2020)
   5. Remnants of the Dead (2022)

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