Per Olov Enquist's picture
1 book added

Per Olov Enquist

Sweden (1934 - 2020)

Per Olov Enquist was one of Sweden's most acclaimed writers: a novelist, playwright and poet with works published in 26 countries.

   The Legionnaires (1973)
   The March of the Musicians (1985)
   Downfall (1987)
   The Magnetist's Fifth Winter (1989)
   Captain Nemo's Library (1992)
   The Visit of the Royal Physician (2001)
     aka The Royal Physician's Visit
   Lewi's Journey (2005)
   The Book About Blanche and Marie (2006)
   Three Cave Mountain (2007)
   Grandfather and the Wolves (2013)
   The Wandering Pine (2014)
Plays show
Non fiction show
Award nominations
2003 Dublin Literary Award (nominee) : The Visit of the Royal Physician

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