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16 books added

Connie May Fowler

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Connie May Fowler is an award-winning novelist, memoirist, and screenwriter.

Connie travels the country, speaking on topics such as writing, self-employment in the arts, literacy, domestic violence, child abuse, environmental issues, and popular culture.  She teaches writing workshops and seminars globally and offers private sessions in the novel, the short story, and creative non-fiction.
 She serves on the faculty of The Afghan Women's Writing Project and is currently a visiting faculty member in the Vermont College of Fine Arts low residency creative writing MFA program.  She is a Florida native.

Novellas and Short Stories
Non fiction show
Books containing stories by Connie May Fowler
Private Investigations (2020)
Writers on the Secrets, Riddles, and Wonders in Their Lives
edited by
Victoria Zackheim
Our Prince of Scribes (2018)
Writers Remember Pat Conroy
edited by
Jonathan Haupt and Nicole Seitz

Connie May Fowler recommends
The Hidden Light of Northern Fires (2017)
Daren Wang
"Though set in the past, this is a new story, an important story, one we all need to read. Daren Wang’s first novel is a marvel, and I hope he writes many, many more."

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