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Andrea Kleine

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Andrea Kleine writes fiction, plays, performance works, and occasional criticism and pontifications on art. She is a five time MacDowell Colony fellow, a Montalvo Arts Center literary fellow, a New York Foundation for the Arts fellow, and was valedictorian of her eighth grade class. She is currently living in New York and working on a novel.

   Calf (2015)
   Eden (2018)
Andrea Kleine recommends
The Great Offshore Grounds (2020)
Vanessa Veselka
"The Great Offshore Grounds is a binge-worthy, kaleidoscopic, twenty-first century American family odyssey. Vanessa Veselka spins a radical, delicious, epic tale of women blasting their way forward to free themselves of the past. Her characters play by no rules but their own and they pull you in with oceans of black humor and so much heart."

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