Sally Nicholls's picture
17 books added

Sally Nicholls

UK flag (b.1983)

Sally Nicholls was born in Stockton. Her father died when she was two, and she and her brother were brought up by her mother. She has always loved reading, and spent most of her childhood trying to make real life work like it did in books. After school, she worked in Japan for six months and travelled around Australia and New Zealand, then came back and did a degree in Philosophy and Literature at Warwick. In her third year, realising with some panic that she now had to earn a living, she enrolled in a masters in Writing for Young People at Bath Spa. It was here that she wrote her first novel, Ways to Live Forever. Sally is now living in a little flat in London, writing stories and trying to believe her luck.

Genres: Children's Fiction, Young Adult Fiction
New and upcoming books
May 2024

Too Nice
   1. A Chase In Time (2018)
   2. A Christmas in Time (2020)
   3. An Escape in Time (2021)
   4. A Secret in Time (2021)
   Ways to Live Forever (2008)
   Season of Secrets (2009)
   All Fall Down (2012)
   Close Your Pretty Eyes (2013)
   An Island of Our Own (2015)
   Things a Bright Girl Can Do (2017)
   The Silent Stars Go By (2020)
   Out of the Rubble (2022)
   Yours From the Tower (2023)
   Too Nice (2024)
   Make More Noise! (2018) (with others)
Novellas and Short Stories
   The Knight's Kiss (2022)
   Godfather Death (2023)
Picture Books show
Chapter Books show
Books containing stories by Sally Nicholls
Next (2012)
edited by
Keith Gray

2015 Indie Book Award for Children's Fiction : An Island of Our Own

Award nominations
2024 YA Book Prize (nominee) : Yours From the Tower
2019 Carnegie Medal (nominee) : Things a Bright Girl Can Do
2018 YA Book Prize (nominee) : Things a Bright Girl Can Do
2015 Costa Book Award for Children's Book (nominee) : An Island of Our Own

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