Shades of Sanctuary
1 A Polar Expedition: and Other Stimulating Research Opportunities (2023)
2 On the Care and Keeping of Orcs (2024)
The Curious Incident of the Great Cookie Snackcident of 979 (2024)
A Minotaur Tale: In Prose, Being a Monster Romance for Yuletide (2024)
3 The Rake OR The Orca Who Met His Match in a Selkie Desiring Revenge (2025)
4 The Adventures Of A Tiny Tree, Interspersed With Whimsical Anecdotes Of a Discarded Pair Of Trousers (2026)
2 On the Care and Keeping of Orcs (2024)
The Curious Incident of the Great Cookie Snackcident of 979 (2024)
A Minotaur Tale: In Prose, Being a Monster Romance for Yuletide (2024)
3 The Rake OR The Orca Who Met His Match in a Selkie Desiring Revenge (2025)
4 The Adventures Of A Tiny Tree, Interspersed With Whimsical Anecdotes Of a Discarded Pair Of Trousers (2026)