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44 books added

Mary Monica Pulver

USA flag (b.1943)

aka Monica Ferris, Mary Pulver Kuhfeld, Margaret of Shaftesbury

Mary Monica Pulver (her maiden name) is an incidental Hoosier -- Terre Haute, Indiana, had the hospital closest to her parents' home in Marshall, Illinois. She spent the later part of her childhood and early adult life in Wisconsin, graduating from high school in Milwaukee. She was a journalist in the U.S. Navy for six and a half years (two in London), and later attended the University of Wisconsin at Madison. She is married to a museum curator

Genres: Mystery, Historical Mystery
Peter and Kori Brichter Mystery
   1. Murder at the War (1987)
     aka Knight Fall
   2. The Unforgiving Minutes (1988)
   3. Ashes to Ashes (1988)
   4. Original Sin (1991)
   5. Show Stopper (1992)
Sister Frevisse (with Margaret Frazer)
   1. The Novice's Tale (1992)
   2. The Servant's Tale (1993)
   3. The Outlaw's Tale (1994)
   4. The Bishop's Tale (1994)

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