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4 books added

W Clark Russell

(William Clark Russell)
UK flag (1844 - 1911)

W. CLARK RUSSELL (1844-1911) was an English author, and a sailor for several years before he turned to journalism and fiction. He was well-regarded in his day for THE WRECK OF THE GROSVENOR and for THE DEATH SHIP, A STRANGE STORY (sometimes reprinted as THE FLYING DUTCHMAN). He wrote much on nautical topics and campaigned to improve working conditions for seamen.

   John Holdsworth, Chief Mate (1874)
   The Wreck of the Grosvenor (1875)
   An Ocean Tragedy (1881)
   The Frozen Pirate (1887)
   The Death Ship (1888)
   A Sailor's Sweetheart (1888)
   The Emigrant Ship (1894)
   The Ship, Her Story (1894)
   The Convict Ship (1895)
   What Cheer! (1895)
   The Two Captains (1897)
   The Romance of a Midshipman (1898)
   The Ship's Adventure (1899)
   Overdue (1903)
   Abandoned (1904)
   His Island Princess (1905)
   The Yarn of Old Harbour Town (1905)
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Non fiction show
Books containing stories by W Clark Russell
Mysterious Sea Stories (1985)
edited by
William Pattrick (Peter Haining)

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