Andrew Soutar

UK flag (1879 - 1941)

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   The Chosen of the Gods (1910)
   Broken Ladders (1912)
   Magpie House (1913)
   A Beggar in Purple (1918)
   Equality Island (1919)
   The Imperfect Lover (1919)
   The Marquis (1919)
   Back from the Dead (1920)
   Delilah of Mayfair (1920)
   Other Men's Stories (1920)
   When Archer Rode (1920)
   The Road to Romance (1921)
   Battling Barker (1923)
   Corinthian Days (1923)
   Neither Do I Condemn Thee (1924)
   The Master Key (1926)
   Back to Eden (1927)
   Consider Your Verdict (1927)
   Dear Fools (1927)
   Pursuit (1927)
   The White Lie Company and The Woman With the Green Eyes (1927)
   In the Blood (1928)
   The Leopard's Spots (1928)
   Pagans (1928)
   The Phantom In The House (1928)
   Worldly Goods (1928)
   Silent Thunder (1929)
   Silence! (1930)
   The Devil's Triangle (1931)
   Thirty Pieces of Silver (1931)
   Opportuninty (1932)
   Secret Ways (1932)
   Hagar, Called Hannah (1933)
   Kharduni (1933)
   The Great Conspiracy (1934)
   Justice Is Done (1936)
   The Perverted Village (1936)
   Sinister River (1936)
   Ostrich Man (1937)
   Cowards' Castle (1938)
   Public Ghost Number One (1941)
   Mr. Nobody of England (1942)
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