The ancient Tibetan god of death, Yama, reincarnated as a People's Republic of China General, recruits terrorists to sabotage electrical power transmission grids worldwide. Yama and his eight demon underlings feed on panic and fear, and they intend to devour the entire world and everyone and everything in it.
All hell breaks loose to prevent David Davis, a Chief Warrant Officer in the United States Army who specializes in human intelligence gathering, from foiling a plot to disrupt electronic communications, destroy the electrical grids of civilized nations worldwide, and end life as we know it. Davis and eight reluctant companions - a former Army Ranger turned ruthless hit man for the conspirators, a former Marine named Jon Fish who became an unemployed drunkard after the sudden deaths of his mother and brother, Mike Cleary, an FBI Special Agent and family man, Bill Porter, an electrical engineer, Debra Johnson, an Army Intelligence Analyst, Anamarie Noble, a computer systems analyst, and two Tibetan monks who have mystical powers - join forces to restore order in a world gone mad. Not only is the whole world thrown into chaos and darkness by the lack of power and communication, but Iran has nuked Israel and America cannot respond because strategic weapons systems have been completely disabled by an insidious computer worm embedded in their operating software.
Yan Khawa Garpo, a People's Republic of China General, is secretly the reincarnation of Yama, an ancient evil who was once worshiped as the god of death in both China and Tibet. Yan mobilizes an army of demons to take over cities and spread fear and panic. Yan and his eight diabolical companions are truly monsters who feed on fear. They feed literally on the hearts and minds of innocent people.
In this epic battle between the most ancient of all adversaries, Dave and his companions must first battle their own greatest fears. Can Davis overcome his life-long fear of fire? Can the Ranger overcome his fear of snakes? Can Deb vanquish her fear of insects? Will Mike overcome the fear of seeing his family beheaded? Can Jon overcome his chemical dependencies? Can Lokesvara overcome the limitations and frailties of age? Can Phut conquer death? And can Bill learn to love?
Abandoned takes place amid the dilapidated and abandoned houses and factories of the once-prosperous Rockford, Illinois, the corrupt seats of power in Washington, D. C. and Beijing, and the majestic Meili Snow Mountains of China and Tibet. Abandoned is much more than a horror story. It is also an action thriller, a contemporary romance, and a modern myth. Many of the characters are derived from world mythologies, and readers may recognize archetypes of some of their favorite heroes and villains.
Abandoned is the first book of Paul Dale Anderson's Winds-series of supernatural thrillers.
Genre: Horror
All hell breaks loose to prevent David Davis, a Chief Warrant Officer in the United States Army who specializes in human intelligence gathering, from foiling a plot to disrupt electronic communications, destroy the electrical grids of civilized nations worldwide, and end life as we know it. Davis and eight reluctant companions - a former Army Ranger turned ruthless hit man for the conspirators, a former Marine named Jon Fish who became an unemployed drunkard after the sudden deaths of his mother and brother, Mike Cleary, an FBI Special Agent and family man, Bill Porter, an electrical engineer, Debra Johnson, an Army Intelligence Analyst, Anamarie Noble, a computer systems analyst, and two Tibetan monks who have mystical powers - join forces to restore order in a world gone mad. Not only is the whole world thrown into chaos and darkness by the lack of power and communication, but Iran has nuked Israel and America cannot respond because strategic weapons systems have been completely disabled by an insidious computer worm embedded in their operating software.
Yan Khawa Garpo, a People's Republic of China General, is secretly the reincarnation of Yama, an ancient evil who was once worshiped as the god of death in both China and Tibet. Yan mobilizes an army of demons to take over cities and spread fear and panic. Yan and his eight diabolical companions are truly monsters who feed on fear. They feed literally on the hearts and minds of innocent people.
In this epic battle between the most ancient of all adversaries, Dave and his companions must first battle their own greatest fears. Can Davis overcome his life-long fear of fire? Can the Ranger overcome his fear of snakes? Can Deb vanquish her fear of insects? Will Mike overcome the fear of seeing his family beheaded? Can Jon overcome his chemical dependencies? Can Lokesvara overcome the limitations and frailties of age? Can Phut conquer death? And can Bill learn to love?
Abandoned takes place amid the dilapidated and abandoned houses and factories of the once-prosperous Rockford, Illinois, the corrupt seats of power in Washington, D. C. and Beijing, and the majestic Meili Snow Mountains of China and Tibet. Abandoned is much more than a horror story. It is also an action thriller, a contemporary romance, and a modern myth. Many of the characters are derived from world mythologies, and readers may recognize archetypes of some of their favorite heroes and villains.
Abandoned is the first book of Paul Dale Anderson's Winds-series of supernatural thrillers.
Genre: Horror
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