book cover of At First Sight

At First Sight

(The second book in the Rescuing Diana series)
A novel by

Lawyer Angelica Windsor was both fierce and fragile, serene and determined,a woman of fire and ice who had obsessed Dan Roberts since the day they'dmet -- and violently disagreed for the first time! Somehow they argued overeverything...until the night a baby was abandoned in Dan's hotel suite, andthey fought together to become his foster parents. But sharing the babymeant closeness, intimacy, unbearable temptation, and though a truce hadbeen declared, warring emotions threatened to overwhelm them both. Angelicafeared being vulnerable, losing respect surrendering precious control -- butcaring for the baby freed her of inhibitions, brought out a gentleness Danhad never suspected...and a fierce longing of his own. He was willing torisk everything to have her, to conquer his stubborn tigress and hold herforever. Angelica tested Dan's passion, provoked his anger, then succumbedto pleasure and need. But did she dare to share his dreams?

Genre: Paranormal Romance

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