book cover of Liquid Death

Liquid Death

A novel by

No one is safe...

A gang of criminals has established a far reaching racket in counterfeit coins, making English gold sovereigns to order. The CID is on the case, but a mysterious epidemic of deaths from snakebites soon diverts their attention.

However, Chief Inspector Dawson of the Metropolitan Division's scientific branch discovers a hidden link between the deadly snake-bites and the counterfeit coins. Dawson is aided by Detective-Sergeant Harriday and Gwenda Blane, risking their lives attempting to bring down this ruthless homicidal racket . . .

Praise for John Russell Fearn...

'What do you get when a criminal with a well honed scientific mind joins forces with a crude, unthinking killer? Well, in the hands of John Russell Fearn, you get one fast paced, thrilling mystery that will have you guessing' -

'I have yet to read a book employing the same murder method. It is unusual and imaginative ideas like this that make [Fearn's] books worth tracking down and reading" - Pretty Sinister

John Russell Fearn was an extremely prolific and popular British writer, who began in the American pulps, then almost single-handedly drove the post-World War II boom in British publishing with a flood of science fiction, detective stories, westerns, and adventure fiction. He was so popular that one of his pseudonyms became the editor of Vargo Statten's Science Fiction Magazine in the 1950's. His work is noted for its vigor and wild imagination. He has always had a substantial cult following and has been popular in translation around the world. He passed away in 1960 at the age of 52.

Genre: Mystery

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