Robert Keene is an aspiring trickster figure, determined to leave the world a better place than he found it in the only way he knows how: submitting it to his unique brand of humor smeared energetically across fantastical worlds where problems are solved with physically improbable violence.
Genres: GameLit
New and upcoming books
1. Harbinger of Destruction (2022)
2. Harbinger of Vengeance (2022)
3. Harbinger of Justice (2023)
1. Harbinger of Destruction (2022)
2. Harbinger of Vengeance (2022)
3. Harbinger of Justice (2023)
Primeval Apocalypse (with Alex Raizman)
1. The Primeval Apocalypse (2023)
2. The Primeval Apocalypse 2 (2023)
3. The Primeval Apocalypse 3 (2024)
4. The Primeval Apocalypse 4 (2024)
5. The Primeval Apocalypse 5 (2024)
1. The Primeval Apocalypse (2023)
2. The Primeval Apocalypse 2 (2023)
3. The Primeval Apocalypse 3 (2024)
4. The Primeval Apocalypse 4 (2024)
5. The Primeval Apocalypse 5 (2024)
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