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Valery Keith

Valery Keith currently lives in the Northeast with her husband Jeff and their pets. She has an undergraduate degree from Drew University and an MFA in Writing from Sarah Lawrence College. Prior to writing full-time, she worked in the corporate and media worlds, as well as in the shelter system, for a veterinary practice and as the lead behaviorist specializing in problem and aggressive dogs for a local non-profit animal welfare organization. Author of the "Our Lady of Joy" series, "My Pet Demon," "A Girl Called Nine," "Habitat 762," and "The Necromancer Princess," she enjoys writing in multiple genres, styles and voices for variety.

Lady of Joy
   1. Our Lady of Joy (2015)
   2. Our Lady's Wolf (2015)
   3. Our Lady's Travels (2015)
   4. Our Lady's Trials (2015)
   5. Our Lady's Army (2015)
   6. Our Lady's Revelations (2015)
   7. Our Lady's War (2015)
   8. Our Lady's Nation (2017)
   1. A Girl Called 9 (2017)
   2. A Girl Called 8 (2017)
   3. A Girl Called 7 (2018)
   My Pet Demon (2016)
   Habitat 762 (2017)

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