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31 books added

Sara Mackenzie

A pseudonym used by Kaye Dobbie

Sara Mackenzie comes from a family for whom ghostly happenings aren't that uncommon. When you live in a haunted house, writing about the paranormal just seems like the natural thing to do. As a teenager Sara loved to see spooky movies and read Dracula in one sitting, scaring herself silly for weeks. When she wrote for the Australian mainstream market, her books began to change from straight historicals to historicals with a decidedly ghostly flavor. Now Sara writes paranormal books for Avon, in a genre she likes to call Dark Gothic Fantasy. One of her books, Secrets of the Highwayman, was nominated for a RITA Award in 2007.
Sara lives in Victoria, Australia, with her family and far too many animals.

   Stepping Back (2013)
Novellas and Short Stories

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