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Photo by Owen Benson
1 book added

Alexandra Diaz

Alexandra Diaz is a Cuban-American spending her time between Bath, England, Santa Fe, NM, and the rest of the world. She has an MA in Writing for Young People and has led various workshops since she was fourteen. As a result of being homeschooled for most of high school, she's fascinated by teenage school life and the drama that occurs in those quarters. One of the reasons she writes is to experience life in someone else's shoes. She is a "jenny of all trades" having worked as a nanny, teacher, film extra, tour guide, and dairy goat judge (seriously) among several other jobs. In addition to traversing the world, she enjoys hiking, swing dancing, and the prospect of flying.

Genres: Children's Fiction
Only Road
   1. The Only Road (2016)
   2. The Crossroads (2018)

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