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8 books added

Kendall Kulper

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Kendall Kulper writes historical fiction with a fantasy twist for teen readers and knows more about nineteenth century whaling than she ever imagined. Her debut YA novel, SALT & STORM was published by Little, Brown September 23, 2014. She graduated from Harvard University with a degree in history and literature in 2008 and spent several years as a journalist before deciding to write full-time. She grew up in the wilds of New Jersey and now lives in Boston with her husband and chronically-anxious Australian Shepherd mix, Abby.

Genres: Young Adult Fantasy
Salt & Storm
   1. Salt & Storm (2014)
     aka The Witch of Salt and Storm
   2. Drift & Dagger (2015)

     aka The Magic Thief

   2.5. Saltwater Heart (2015)

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