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Ridge King

Even before college, Ridge King was fascinated by politics and volunteered to work on numerous campaigns, beginning with city commission and county races, working his way up to state-wide races for Congress during his college years.

After college, drawn to the inner-workings and behind-the-scenes machinations of these campaigns that proved endlessly captivating, he continued to work with as many political campaigns as he could.

Following up on his passion, Ridge started writing about characters so close to him they seemed like family.

The result is the St. Clair Political Thrillers.

He loves to hear from readers and answers each email personally, so if the urge moves you, drop him a line at ridge@ridgeking.com

St. Clair
   1. No Decision (2020)
   2. No Excuses (2020)
   3. No Exit (2020)
   4. No Rules (2021)
   5. No Return (2021)
   6. No Fear (2021)
   7. No Limits (2021)

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