A Modern Antaeus (1901)
Sabrina Warham (1904)
Trimblerigg (1924)
The New Hangman (1930)
Victoria Regina (1934)
Pains and Penalties (1937)
Family Honour (1950)
Bethlehem (1955)
Cotton-Woolleena (1968)
My Brother (1969)
Sabrina Warham (1904)
Trimblerigg (1924)
The New Hangman (1930)
Victoria Regina (1934)
Pains and Penalties (1937)
Family Honour (1950)
Bethlehem (1955)
Cotton-Woolleena (1968)
My Brother (1969)
Green Arras (1896)
The Field of Clover (1898)
Spikenard (1898)
Rue (1899)
Bethlehem, the Pageant of Our Lady, and Other Poems (poems) (1902)
The Blue Moon (1904)
Mendicant Rhymes (1906)
Stories from the Arabian Nights (1911)
The Little Plays of St. Francis (1922)
Odd Pairs (1925)
Ironical Tales (1926)
Palace Plays (1930)
Arabian Nights (1931)
Strange Ends and Discoveries (1948)
The Rat-Catcher's Daughter (1974)
Moonlight and Fairyland (1978)
Sel Poems (poems) (1992)
Angels and Ministers And Other Victorian Plays (2004)
The Field of Clover (1898)
Spikenard (1898)
Rue (1899)
Bethlehem, the Pageant of Our Lady, and Other Poems (poems) (1902)
The Blue Moon (1904)
Mendicant Rhymes (1906)
Stories from the Arabian Nights (1911)
The Little Plays of St. Francis (1922)
Odd Pairs (1925)
Ironical Tales (1926)
Palace Plays (1930)
Arabian Nights (1931)
Strange Ends and Discoveries (1948)
The Rat-Catcher's Daughter (1974)
Moonlight and Fairyland (1978)
Sel Poems (poems) (1992)
Angels and Ministers And Other Victorian Plays (2004)
Anthologies edited
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Books containing stories by Laurence Housman
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