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33 books added

Jessica Joyce

Jessica Joyce lives happily-ever-ongoing with her husband and son in the Bay Area.

 When she’s not writing character-driven, realistic and relatable tales of millennials who are just Doing Their Best while falling in love, you can find her listening to one of her dozens of chaotically curated Spotify playlists, trying out a new skincare face mask, crying over cute animal TikToks, or watching the 2005 version of Pride & Prejudice.


Genres: Romance
New and upcoming books
July 2024

The Ex Vows
   You, with a View (2023)
   The Ex Vows (2024)
Novellas and Short Stories
   A Risk Worth Taking (2023)
Jessica Joyce recommends
Rules for Second Chances (2024)
Maggie North
"Rules for Second Chances is a breathtaking, deeply romantic story about the second chances we give to love, each other, and most importantly, ourselves. Maggie North has the singular ability to hit you with truths that are at once hilarious and aching, stark and soft, painful and necessary, and she writes Liz and Tobin's journey with an obliterating tenderness I felt in every corner of my heart. This book and its author land effortlessly among my all-time favorites."
A Love Like the Sun (2024)
Riss M Neilson
"Riss M. Neilson paints a poetic, sexy, and intimate portrait of falling in love in A Love Like the Sun. I absolutely devoured the best friends-to-lovers dynamic between Laniah and Issac, and cheered (yes, out loud!) when they finally gave in to their inevitable fall. Neilson's prose is as warm and effortless as the love story that unfolded, and just as compelling. A stunning read."
Birding with Benefits (2024)
Sarah T Dubb
"Read Birding with Benefits at your own risk - once you're immersed in Sarah T. Dubb's gorgeously drawn world, you'll never want to leave...This will stay at the top of my all-time favorite list forever."

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