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25 books added

Adam Lofthouse

Adam Lofthouse has for many years held a passion for the ancient world. As a teenager he picked up Gates of Rome by Conn Iggulden, and has been obsessed with all things Rome ever since. After ten years of immersing himself in stories of the Roman world, he decided to have a go at writing one for himself. The Centurion’s Son is Adam’s first novel. He lives in Kent, with his wife and three sons.

Genres: Historical, Fantasy
   1. Oathbreaker (2019)
   2. Ravensworn (2023)
   1. Valentia (2022)
   2. Usurper (2024)
Adam Lofthouse recommends
Arthur (2024)
Giles Kristian
"The best re-telling of Arthur's legend I've read . . . Giles brings Dark Age Britain to life in a way no one else could. He touches all your senses, from the sight of a rook in flight to the smell of Britain's rich earth. Every bird, tree, landmark or hilltop painted in vivid colour for the reader as they travel through the Dark Isles in the midst of legends of old . . . bloody and glorious, and very well done."

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