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96 books added

Rosalind Noonan

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aka R J Noonan, Roz Noonan

Rosalind Noonan grew up in suburban Maryland on the outskirts of Baltimore and Washington. One of five children, she enjoyed the comical, energetic vibe of a noisy Irish household and remains close with her four siblings. Noonan spent her senior year of high school in Ludwigsburg, Germany, and used that time to travel extensively throughout Europe. Noonan is a graduate of Wagner College in Staten Island, New York. Coincidentally, the campus was used as the primary location for the film School of Rock, one of Roz's favorite comedies. She recalls her four years on "the Hill," living in a dormitory with a breathtaking view of New York Harbor and lower Manhattan, as a time of vast growth and possibility.

Noonan currently lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband, a retired cop from the NYPD, and two children. Although she sometimes misses the rapid pulse of New York, she enjoys writing in the shade of towering two-hundred year old Douglas fir trees.

Genres: Young Adult Romance, Mystery, Young Adult Fiction, Romance, Children's Fiction, Young Adult Fantasy
Wyoming (with Nancy Bush and Lisa Jackson)
   1. Sinister (2013)
   2. Ominous (2017)
   One September Morning (2009)
   In A Heartbeat (2010)
   The Daughter She Used To Be (2011)
   All She Ever Wanted (2012)
   And Then She Was Gone (2013)
   Take Another Look (2015)
   Domestic Secrets (2016)
   Pretty, Nasty, Lovely (2017)
   The Sisters (2018)
Series contributed to
Turning Seventeen
   1. Any Guy You Want (2000)
   3. For Real (2000) (with Christa Roberts)
   5. Can't Let Go (2000)
   9. Just Trust Me (2001)
Omnibus editions show

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