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13 books added

K P Stafford

K.P. Stafford writes cozy mystery with quirky, fun characters in small towns where things are less serious but busy-bodies try to keep things stirred up.

She’s a mom, nana and musician’s wife. Music is a huge part of her life. When she isn’t writing, she’s out living the music life with her husband. She’s always loved things mysterious and a bit kookie. Vincent Price made a big impact on her when she was a child, as did The Munsters and The Addams Family. She tries to bring her, sometimes twisted, blend of “mystery and reality” to life in her books with characters who are just a bit "off" but lovable.

Genres: Cozy Mystery
New and upcoming books
Novellas and Short Stories
   The Hope of Dawn (2017)
   Dawn's Second Chance (2021) (with Ann Stafford)

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