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188 books added

Amy A Bartol

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Amy A Bartol lives in Michigan with her husband and their two sons. Her family is very supportive of her writing. When She's writing, they often bring her the take-out menu so that she can call and order them dinner. They listen patiently when she talks about her characters like they’re real. They rarely roll their eyes when she tells them she will only be a second while she finish writing a chapter…and then they take off their coats. They ask her how the story is going when she surfaces after living for hours in a world of her own making. Her family have learned to accept her “writing uniform” consisting of a slightly unflattering pink fleece jacket, t-shirt, and black yoga pants. And they smile at her nerdy bookishness whenever she  tries to explain urban fantasy to them. In short, they get her, so they are perfect and she  is blessed.

Genres: Young Adult Fantasy
   1. Inescapable (2011)
   2. Intuition (2011)
   3. Indebted (2012)
   4. Incendiary (2012)
   5. Iniquity (2015)
   1. Under Different Stars (2014)
   2. Sea of Stars (2015)
   3. Darken the Stars (2015)
   1. Secondborn (2017)
   2. Traitor Born (2018)
   3. Rebel Born (2019)
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Amy A Bartol recommends
The Fragile Ordinary (2018)
Samantha Young
"The Fragile Ordinary is a five-star book for me. Samantha Young writes a poignant coming-of-age story and explores significant issues with finesse and a deep-seated understanding of human nature. Do yourself a favor and add this novel to your library."

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