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47 books added

Adam Jay Epstein

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Adam Jay Epstein grew up in Great Neck, New York, and started his daydreaming at an early age. After graduating from Wesleyan University, he moved to Los Angeles to start sharing his daydreams with other people. While there, he met a brilliant and creative genius and asked him if he would be interested in becoming one half of a writing team. When the said genius turned him down, he found the less talented but far more willing Andrew Jacobson to partner with.
Adam Jay Epstein has explored the Amazon, climbed the Great Wall of China, swum with dolphins, and found the best tamales north of the Mexico border. He lives with his wife, Jane, and his two daughters, Penny and Olive. He has a black-and-white alley cat with bite out of his ear living in his backyard. 
The Familiars is his first bookwith many more to come in the future.

Genres: Children's Fiction, Young Adult Fantasy
Familiars (with Andrew Jacobson)
   1. The Familiars (2010)
     aka Animal Wizardry
   2. Secrets of the Crown (2011)
   3. Circle of Heroes (2012)
   4. Palace of Dreams (2013)
Starbounders (with Andrew Jacobson)
   1. Starbounders (2013)
   2. Rebellion (2014)
Wily Snare
   1. Snared (2018)
   2. Lair of the Beast (2019)
   3. Voyage on the Eversteel Sea (2020)

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