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Fiona Hill

A pseudonym used by Ellen Pall

Ellen Pall, a novelist whose prose has been praised as "precise, shrewd, and brightly amusing" ("Kirkus Reviews"), with sentences that are "good enough to eat" ("The New Yorker"), is the author of "Back East "and "Among the Ginzburgs"; she has also written many Regency romances under the pen name Fiona Hill. As a freelance journalist, she has written extensively on people in the arts for "The New York Times "and other publications. Slightly Abridged is the second in her Nine Muses Mysteries series. She lives in Manhattan with her husband and son.

   The Autumn Rose (1969)
   The Practical Heart (1975)
   The Wedding Portrait (1975)
   Love in a Major Key (1976)
   Sweet's Folly (1977)
   The Love Child (1977)
     aka Lover's Gift
   The Trellised Lane (1977)
   The Stanbroke Girls (1981)
   The Country Gentleman (1987)
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