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114 books added

Seth Hunter

A pseudonym used by Paul Bryers

Seth Hunter is the pseudonym of the author of a number of highly acclaimed and prize-winning adult and children's novels. He has written and directed many historical dramas for television, radio and the theatre and adapted and directed films by playwrights such as Arthur Miller and Michael Bulgakov. He is a member of The Writers Guild of Great Britain, the Director's Guild and PEN.

Genres: Historical
New and upcoming books
September 2024

The Force of Fate
(Nathan Peake, book 9)
Nathan Peake
   1. The Time of Terror (2008)
   2. The Tide of War (2009)
   3. The Price of Glory (2010)
   4. The Winds of Folly (2011)
   5. The Flag of Freedom (2012)
   6. The Spoils of Conquest (2013)
   7. The Sea of Silence (2021)
   8. Trafalgar (2022)
   9. The Force of Fate (2024)

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