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Michelle Jerott

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aka Michele Albert

Michelle Jerott very first romances she ever read, way back in high school,were Kathleen Woodiwiss's "The Flame and the Flower" and "The Wolf andthe Dove" (published by Avon in the mid-70s). She said: "I fell in love withHeather and Brandon, Wulfgar and Aislinn--and have been hooked on romancesever since. I like nothing better than to curl up with a good book and a hotcup of coffee, and romances will always be my books of choice. Unlike someauthors, I didn't come out of the womb wanting to write books. In fact, fromabout the age of 14, I wanted to be an archaeologist."

Michelle graduated with a classical archaeology degree from the Universityof Michigan in Ann Arbor, and even attended a summer program at Universityof London's Institute of Archaeology. She remembered: "My first dig, in highschool, was a Mississippian Indian site not far from Terre Haute, Indiana,and my last was a Roman fort outside Newcastle in Great Britain. There,standing up to my knees in mud and swinging a pick ax, I decided that maybearchaeology wasn't my calling in life, after all. A career fast track wasfine and dandy, but I wanted to take the scenic route through my own lifeinstead. So, I had a baby and eventually went to work in a research lab,which allowed me time to write. When I sat down to write my first story, Ihad no doubt it would be a romance. As a kid, I was disappointed that girloriented stories rarely had the same sort of fun, excitement or dangerousadventures as the boy oriented stories. Consequently, I re-wrote a lot ofthose books in my head. As I grew older, I discovered the books I liked toread (and write) were those in which the heroine has all sorts of fun andexcitement... and yes, even adventures, dangerous or otherwise. On July 31,1997, after three years of writing and shopping my manuscripts around, Isold my first book to Avon. A couple days later, I won the Romance Writersof America's Golden Heart Award for that same book, an award given tomanuscripts written by unpublished writers. All in all, 1997 was an excitingyear! Becoming a published writer has been a long-time goal, and I'm soexcited to have this chance to make my dream come true. More importantly, Ihope to share with you, through my characters and their stories, a littlemagic, a little fun, and a whole lot of romance!"

She signed her firts four books with her real name, Michelle Jerott, andlater she used the pen name Michele Albert to continued a Series thatstarted with "Absolute Trouble", her debut novel. Her novels: "HerBodyguard" and "Getting Her Man" were both nominated for Best MainstreamNovel by Romantic Times and "Off Limits" appeared on the Waldenbook'sNational Bestseller List.

Married with a father of theee, Today, Michelle lives with her husband, herhigh school-aged son, his three children, and two lazy cats in a small town outside Madison, Wisconsin.

Genres: Romance
   All Night Long (1999)
   A Great Catch (2000)
   Her Bodyguard (2001)

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