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72 books added

Ryu Murakami

Japan (b.1952)

Ryu Murakami was born in Sasebo where the U.S. Navy's harbour is located. Raised there till his high school days. After graduation, he came up to Tokyo and lived in Fussa, near the base of U.S. Army. He wrote the novel, "Kagirinaku Tomei ni chikai Blue", from a decadent life there. It won the Akutagawa Prize, the most authoritative literary prize in Japan. Since then, he has written many novels, essays and scenarios.

   Almost Transparent Blue (1977)
   69 (1987)
   Coin Locker Babies (1995)
   In the Miso Soup (2004)
   Piercing (2007)
   Audition (2009)
   Popular Hits of the Showa Era (2011)
   Sixty-Nine (2013)
   From the Fatherland with Love (2013)
   Tokyo Decadence (2016)
Ryu Murakami recommends
Convenience Store Woman (2018)
Sayaka Murata
"I was really amazed by Convenience Store Woman and the particular reality it exquisitely portrays . . . [It] minutely translates the sadness, anguish, grief, grumbles, fateful actions etc. of someone who is incapable of uttering the right words, adding layers of details and spinning them into a story . . . I am sincerely delighted that such a novel has come into being."

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