Conquerors of Venus (as by Edgar Rees Kennedy)
Astro Race (1951) (as by King Lang)
Gyrator Control (1951) (as by King Lang)
The Mystery Planet (1951) (as by Edgar Rees Kennedy)
Projectile War (1951) (as by King Lang)
Rocket Invasion (1951) (as by King Lang)
Saturn Patrol (1951) (as by King Lang)
Task Flight (1951) (as by King Lang)
Space Line (1952) (as by King Lang)
Terra! (1952) (as by King Lang)
Astro Race (1951) (as by King Lang)
Gyrator Control (1951) (as by King Lang)
The Mystery Planet (1951) (as by Edgar Rees Kennedy)
Projectile War (1951) (as by King Lang)
Rocket Invasion (1951) (as by King Lang)
Saturn Patrol (1951) (as by King Lang)
Task Flight (1951) (as by King Lang)
Space Line (1952) (as by King Lang)
Terra! (1952) (as by King Lang)
Series contributed to
Calling Thunderbirds (1966) (as by John Theydon)
Lost World (1966)
Operation Asteroids (1966)
Ring of Fire (1966) (as by John Theydon)
Thunderbirds (1966) (as by John Theydon)
Lady Penelope: The Albanian Affair (1967) (as by John Theydon)
Calling Thunderbirds (1966) (as by John Theydon)
Lost World (1966)
Operation Asteroids (1966)
Ring of Fire (1966) (as by John Theydon)
Thunderbirds (1966) (as by John Theydon)
Lady Penelope: The Albanian Affair (1967) (as by John Theydon)
Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons
Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons (1967) (as by John Theydon)
Captain Scarlet and the Silent Saboteur (1967) (as by John Theydon)
The Angels and the Creeping Enemy (1968) (as by John Theydon)
Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons (1967) (as by John Theydon)
Captain Scarlet and the Silent Saboteur (1967) (as by John Theydon)
The Angels and the Creeping Enemy (1968) (as by John Theydon)