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119 books added

Sarah F Noel

The Tabitha & Wolf Mystery Series are the kind of books I like to read on a lazy Sunday: historical mysteries with strong, intelligent, independent female characters. I've always enjoyed historical novels that highlight and attempt to remedy some of the injustices of the time.
Whether it's inequality for women, poor labour laws, or widespread poverty, my characters have to face head-on the grim realities of their times. But my books are also fun and filled with adorable orphans, exasperating dowagers, and charming, if somewhat roguish, heroes. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I've enjoyed writing them.


Genres: Historical Mystery
Tabitha & Wolf Mystery
   1. A Proud Woman (2023)
   2. A Singular Woman (2023)
   3. An Independent Woman (2023)
   4. An Inexplicable Woman (2023)
   5. An Audacious Woman (2024)
   6. A Discerning Woman (2024)
   7. An Indomitable Woman (2024)

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