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25 books added

Mara Timon

Raised in New York, Mara Timon moved to the UK almost 20 years ago; and fell in love with London and the way it melds the old and the new. Growing up with one parent fascinated with literature and the other with history, she started writing from an early age, although it wasn't until a programme on the BBC caught her interest, and one 'what if' led to another, and another, that her first book began to take shape. Mara lives in London, and is working on her next novel. When not writing, she enjoys running, Pilates, travelling, and spending time with friends and family.

Genres: Historical
City of Spies
   1. City of Spies (2020)
   2. Resistance (2021)
Award nominations
2021 CrimeFest: Specsavers Debut Crime Novel Award (nominee) : City of Spies

Mara Timon recommends
The Sisterhood (2023)
Katherine Bradley
"Katherine Bradley has delivered a worthy counterpart to George Orwell's 1984 in this chilling, taut book. It's as claustrophobic as it needs to be; particularly frightening as one looks around and sees that we are voluntarily moving towards Orwell's nightmare. It is nothing short of a triumph."
The Russian Doll (2021)
Marina Palmer
"I couldn't put it down and finished it in a day . . . Superb!"
What I Did (2021)
Kate Bradley
"In What I Did, Kate Bradley poses the question: What is it that underpins family life? The obvious is never the answer in Kate's books, and she leads the reader into an ever-shifting reality as Lisa Law is forced to cope with the consequences of a series of abusive relationships. What I Did gripped me from the opening scene . . . the ride Kate takes the readers on is masterful."

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