Arthur Calder-Marshall's picture
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Arthur Calder-Marshall

UK flag (1908 - 1992)

aka R D Mascott

Arthur Calder-Marshall was an English novelist, essayist, critic, memoirist and biographer.

   At Sea (1934)
   A Crime Against Cania (1934)
   Dead Centre (1935)
   A Pink Doll (1935)
   Glory Dead (1939)
   The Way to Santiago (1940)
   The Watershed (1947)
   A Man Reprieved (1949)
   Occasion of Glory (1955)
   The Fair to Middling (1959)
   The Scarlet Boy (1961)
   The Man from Devil's Island (1964)
   003 1/2 (1967) (as by R D Mascott)
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