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51 books added

Craig Davidson


aka Nick Cutter, Patrick Lestewka

Craig Davidson was born in Toronto and now lives in Iowa City. His short story collection, Rust and Bone, has been published in Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, and France.

Genres: Literary Fiction
   The Fighter (2007)
   Cataract City (2013)
   The Saturday Night Ghost Club (2018)
   Rust and Bone (2005)
   Sarah Court (2010)
   Cascade (2020)
Novellas and Short Stories
   A Mean Utility (2006)
Non fiction show
Books containing stories by Craig Davidson
Imaginarium 3 (2015)
The Best Canadian Speculative Writing
edited by
Sandra Kasturi and Helen Marshall
The Best American Short Stories 2014 (2014)
(Best American Short Stories)
edited by
Jennifer Egan
The Quiet Ward (2003)
(Asylum, book 3)
edited by
Victor Heck

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Craig Davidson recommends
The North Line (2024)
Matt Riordan
"The North Line is one of those rare books that you feel as much as read. The world and its details are so real, so intimate, and so lived-in and that I had to check my fingertips for fish scales once I finished reading."
Closer by Sea (2023)
Perry Chafe
"A memorable coming-of-age tale in the spirit of Ray Bradbury and Stephen King. There is mystery and danger, shadowy figures who are not quite who they seem, and a wistfulness for that strange and beautiful time bridging our younger and older selves--but Perry Chafe's story is uniquely his own, uniquely of his place and of its people. With Closer by Sea, Chafe stakes his place in Newfoundland's writerly pantheon."
The Book of Rain (2023)
Thomas Wharton
"Thomas Wharton's novel has a prismatic effect: a reader can see rainbow refractions of Strugatsky, Joan Lindsay, Jeff Vandermeer, even Lovecraft--but The Book of Rain is unique enough to exist beyond comparison. A book of rich characterizations and bold ideas, the kind of highwire act many writers shy away from. The fact that Wharton pulls it off is a kind of miracle, one I'm glad I had an opportunity to experience."

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