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39 books added

David R Gillham

David R. Gillhams writing reflects his lifelong love of history.
Early in his career, he was trained as a screen writer at University of Southern California, and then moved irrevocably into fiction.  After relocating to New York City, he spent over a decade in the book business, and now lives with his family in Western Massachusetts.

Genres: Historical
   City of Women (2012)
   Annelies (2019)
   Shadows of Berlin (2022)
Novellas and Short Stories
David R Gillham recommends
The Soviet Sisters (2022)
Anika Scott
"Anika Scott's riveting novel, The German Heiress, compellingly explores the nature of innocence and guilt, and the human desire for redemption. A terrific book with historical detail skillfully woven into the fabric of the story. An absolute must-read for all fans of World War II fiction!"
All the Little Hopes (2021)
Leah Weiss
"With her latest novel All the Little Hopes, Leah Weiss confirms the place she's earned among top-notch historical fiction writers. Her thrilling, coming-of-age story of two young girls in the tobacco country of the Carolinas, growing up in the shadow of World War II, is compelling, alarming, and heart-breakingly satisfying. It grippingly explores the mysteries of one of my favorite themes: Who can really be trusted when the chips are down?"
The Nesting Dolls (2020)
Alina Adams
"A moving saga of three generations of women determined to triumph over the forces of history no matter the cost. The Nesting Dolls is memorable story of courage that is both inspiring and bittersweet."

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