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Jennifer Hayward

JENNIFER HAYWARD has been a fan of romance and adventure since filching her sister's Harlequin Presents novels to escape her teenaged angst.

Jennifer penned her first romance at nineteen. When it was rejected, she bristled at her mother's suggestion that she needed more life experience. She went on to complete a journalism degree and intern as a sports broadcaster before settling into a career in public relations. Years of working alongside powerful, charismatic CEOs and traveling the world provided perfect fodder for the arrogant alpha males she loves to write, and free research on the some of the world's most glamorous locales.

A native of Canada's gorgeous East coast, Jennifer now lives in Toronto with her Viking husband and their young Viking-in-training. She considers her ten-year-old-strong book club, comprised of some of the most amazing women she's ever met, a sacrosanct date in her calendar. And someday, they will have their monthly meeting at her fantasy beach house, waves lapping at their feet, wine glasses in hand.

Genres: Romance
Novellas and Short Stories
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