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Theodore Roszak

USA flag (1933 - 2011)

Theodore Roszak was Professor of History at California State University at Hayward and the author of such books as The Making of a Counter Culture, Where the Wasteland Ends, Person/Planet, Unfinished Animal, The Cult of Information, and The Memoirs of Elizabeth Frankenstein.

Awards: Otherwise (1995)
   Pontifex (1975)
   Unfinished Animal (1975)
   Bugs (1981)
   Dreamwatcher (1985)
   Flicker (1991)
   The Memoirs of Elizabeth Frankenstein (1995)
   The Longevity Revolution (2001)
   Blizzard (2002)
   The Devil and Daniel Silverman (2003)
   The Crystal Child (2013)
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