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80 books added

Candace Irving

aka Candace Irvin

A former US Navy Lt., Candace Irving is the daughter of a librarian and a retired boatswain's mate chief. Candace grew up in the Philippines, Germany, and all over the United States. Her senior year of high school, she enlisted in the US Army. Following basic training, she transferred to the Navy's ROTC program at the University of Texas-Austin. While at UT, she spent a summer in Washington, DC, as a Congressional Intern. She also worked security for the UT Police. BA in Political Science in hand, Candace was commissioned as an ensign in the US Navy and sent to Surface Warfare Officer's School to learn to drive warships. From there, she followed her father to sea.

Candace Irving writes gritty military thrillers. She is the author of the Deception Point Military Thriller Series and the Hidden Valor Military Veterans Suspense Series. She also writes military romance and romantic suspense as Candace Irvin (without the "g").

Genres: Thriller, Mystery
Deception Point Military Detective
   1. Aimpoint (2020)
   2. Blind Edge (2020)
   3. Backblast (2021)
   4. Chokepoint (2022)
Kate Holland
   1. The Garbage Man (2020)
   2. In the Name of (2021)
   3. Beneath the Bones (2023)

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