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25 books added

Kwana Jackson

USA Today bestselling author and native New Yorker Kwana Jackson spent her formative years on the A train where she had two dreams: (1) to be a fashion designer and (2) to be a writer. After spending more than ten years designing women’s sportswear for various fashion houses, Kwana took a leap of faith and decided to pursue her other dream of being a writer. A longtime advocate of equality and diversity in romance (#WeNeedDiverseRomance), Kwana is the mother of twins and currently lives in a suburb of New York with her husband.

Genres: Romance
Real Men Knit
   1. Real Men Knit (2020)
   2. Knot Again (2022)
Kwana Jackson recommends
The Build Up (2023)
Tati Richardson
"Tati Richardson delivers a timely and modern debut with The Build Up that is not to be missed! Forty-something year old architects Ari and Porter's chemistry make each page a simmering delight."
Fake It Till You Bake It (2022)
(Fake It Till You Bake It)
Jamie Wesley
"Jamie Wesley mixes up a perfect romantic treat. You'll fall hard for the men of Sugar Blitz and the sweet charm of FAKE IT TILL YOU BAKE IT."
The Love Con (2021)
Seressia Glass
"The Love Con is a laugh out loud delight! Seressia Glass takes the reader on a romantic ride full of intense emotions and high sexual chemistry. Even when the story is done, Kenya and Cam will still have a hold on your heart."

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