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145 books added

Devin Madson


Devin Madson has given up on reality and is now a dual-wielding rogue with a lot of points sunk into stealth and lock picking skills. A completionist at heart, she works through every tiny side-quest and always ends up too over-powered for the final boss. She is still waiting for her Hogwarts letter (a total Ravenclaw) and dreams of flying away in the Tardis.

Anything but zen, Devin subsists on tea and chocolate and so much fried zucchini she ought to have turned into one by now.

If you’re after happy, fuzzy tales then you’ve come to the wrong place. Her fantasy novels come in all shades of grey and are populated with characters of questionable morals and a liking for witty banter.

Genres: Fantasy
New and upcoming books
Reborn Empire
   1. We Ride the Storm (2020)
   2. We Lie With Death (2021)
   3. We Cry for Blood (2021)
   4. We Dream of Gods (2023)
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Books containing stories by Devin Madson
The King Must Fall (2022)
edited by
Sarah Chorn, Adrian Collins and Mike Myers
Don't Touch That! (2022)
A Sci-Fi and Fantasy Parenting Anthology
edited by
Jaymee Goh
Grimdark Magazine Issue #18 (2019)
(Grimdark Magazine, book 18)

More books 

2017 Aurealis Award for Best Fantasy Novella : In Shadows We Fall

Award nominations
2018 Aurealis Award for Best Fantasy Novel (nominee) : We Ride the Storm

Devin Madson recommends
The Maleficent Seven (2021)
Cameron Johnston
"Johnston has flipped the magnificent seven samurai trope on its head in this snarky romp of a tale. Packed with heart and humour, The Maleficent Seven is dark, bloody, and the most fun I’ve had in ages."

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