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546 books added

Brian Shea

(Brian Christopher Shea)

BRIAN CHRISTOPHER SHEA has spent most of his adult life in service to his country and local community. He honorably served as an officer in the U.S. Navy. In his civilian life, he reached the rank of Detective and accrued ten years of law enforcement experience between Texas and Connecticut. Somewhere in the mix he spent five years as a fifth-grade school teacher. Brian’s myriad of life experience is woven into the tapestry of each character’s design. He resides in New England and is blessed with an amazing wife and three beautiful daughters.

Writing has always been a dream, but life seemed to find a way of interrupting. It wasn’t until recently that he dedicated time to this passion. His first book, The Camel’s Back, gave him a much-needed mental break from his work investigating atrocities against children. He allotted time in the morning each day. Usually waking at 5 to bang away on his manuscript. The second round of daily writing would occur after his children were asleep. He proved that working full-time and raising a family were no longer valid excuses to putting off his novel.

The Nick Lawrence Series launched with the March 15th, 2018 release of The Camel’s Back released. Shea kept up a relentless writing schedule and released book two, The Lion's Mouth, on July 4th, 2018. There's no stopping it now...the third installment will be released on November 23rd, 2018.

Brian enjoys hearing from readers. Contact him on his Facebook page or through his website at You can email him directly at He responds to all emails personally and within a timely manner.

Genres: Mystery, Thriller
New and upcoming books
April 2024

(Rachel Hatch, book 11)
May 2024

Shepherd and the Fox
(Shepherd and Fox, book 1)
July 2024

The Arrangement
(Booker Johnson, book 2)
September 2024

Retrograde Flaw
(Memory Bank, book 2)
December 2024

Among Wolves
(Shepherd and Fox, book 2)
March 2025

Aurora Fragment
(Memory Bank, book 3)
April 2025

(Rachel Hatch, book 12)
Nick Lawrence
   0.5. Unkillable (2019)
   1. Kill List (2018)
     aka The Camel's Back
   2. Pursuit of Justice (2018)
     aka The Lion's Mouth
   3. Burning Truth (2018)
     aka The Rabbit's Hole
   4. Targeted Violence (2019)
     aka The Wolf's Door
   5. Murder 8 (2019)
Rachel Hatch (with L T Ryan)
   Fractured (2019)
   1. Drift (2019)
   2. Downburst (2020)
   3. Fever Burn (2020)
   Proving Ground (2020)
   4. Smoke Signal (2020)
   5. Firewalk (2020)
   The Gauntlet (2020)
   6. Whitewater (2021)
   7. Aftershock (2021)
   8. Whirlwind (2021)
   9. Tsunami (2022)
   11. Sidewinder (2024)
   12. Redaction (2025)
Boston Crime Thriller
   1. Murder Board (2019)
   2. Bleeding Blue (2020)
   3. The Penitent One (2020)
   4. Sign of the Maker (2021)
   5. Cold Hard Truth (2022)
   6. Into the Gray (2024)
Lexi Mills (with Stacy Lynn Miller)
   1. Fuze (2022)
   2. Proximity (2023)
   3. Impact (2023)
   4. Pressure (2023)
   5. Remote (2023)
   6. Flashpoint (2023)
Booker Johnson (with Mel Taylor)
   1. The Exclusive (2024)
   2. The Arrangement (2024)
Memory Bank (with Raquel Byrnes)
   1. The Memory Bank (2024)
   2. Retrograde Flaw (2024)
   3. Aurora Fragment (2025)
Award nominations
2020 ITW Award for Best E-Book original (nominee) : Murder Board

Brian Shea recommends
Deep Sleep (2022)
(Devin Gray, book 1)
Steven Konkoly
"Steve Konkoly delivers a conspiracy thriller unlike any other and proves he's at the top of his game. With a deft hand and an eye for plot intricacies, Konkoly will take you into a web of deceit that will shake you to your core and keep you turning until the very last page. The Last Directorate has set a new bar in the world of thrillers and Konkoly has taken his seat at the head of the table."
Firewall (2021)
(Firewall Spies, book 1)
Andrew Watts
"For years, authors have been knocking at the door Tom Clancy shut with his passing. Andrew Watts didn't knock. He grabbed a breaching shotgun and took the damn hinges off! Jack Ryan can rest easy now that Colt McShane has arrived."
Misjudged (2020)
(Sam Johnstone Legal Thriller, book 1)
James Chandler
"Few seasoned authors can deliver what James Chandler has with his debut novel. I'm already waiting in anxious anticipation of his next installment."

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