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11 books added

Ian St. James

an St James, according to the press, was a millionaire at the age of thirty, when the merchant bank backing his enterprises collapsed and took his business with it. In the years afterwards he started a management consultancy and later turned it into a small investment house. In 1977 he retired to write full time and published eight best-selling novels; The Money Stones, The Balfour Conspiracy, Winner Harris, The Killing Anniversary, Final Resort, Justice, Vengeance and Cold New Dawn.

He also started the wildly successful Ian St James awards launching the careers of several published authors.

   Final Resort (1980)
   The Money Stones (1980)
   The Balfour Conspiracy (1981)
   Winner Harris (1982)
   The Killing Anniversary (1984)
   Cold New Dawn (1987)
   Justice (1988)
   Vengeance (1991)

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