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58 books added

Ian Tregillis

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Ian Tregillis is the son of a bearded mountebank and a discredited tarot card reader. He was born and raised in Minnesota, where his parents had landed after fleeing the wrath of a Flemish prince. (The full story, he's told, involves a Dutch tramp steamer and a stolen horse.) Nowadays he lives in New Mexico, where he consorts with writers, scientists and other disreputable types.

Genres: Fantasy, Science Fiction
Milkweed Triptych
   1. Bitter Seeds (2010)
   1.5. What Doctor Gottlieb Saw (2011)
   2. The Coldest War (2012)
   3. Necessary Evil (2013)
Alchemy War
   1. The Mechanical (2015)
   2. The Rising (2015)
   3. The Liberation (2016)
Books containing stories by Ian Tregillis
The Year's Top Robot and AI Stories: Second Annual Collection (2021)
(Year's Top Robot and AI Stories, book 2)
edited by
Allan Kaster
The Year's Best Science Fiction & Fantasy 2021 (2021)
(Year's Best Science Fiction & Fantasy, book 13)
edited by
Rich Horton

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Ian Tregillis recommends
Ring Shout (2020)
P Djèlí Clark
"A quick, compelling historical fantasy-horror, told with a great narrative voice and shot through with pit-of-the-stomach dread ? because the most terrifying elements are those drawn from real history. More Maryse Boudreaux adventures, please."
For the Killing of Kings (2018)
(Ring-Sworn Trilogy, book 1)
Howard Andrew Jones
"Howard Andrew Jones, an aficionado nonpareil of heroic adventure, has surpassed himself. For the Killing of Kings is the opening salvo of a thrilling epic set in a world that only he could envision: a thunderous, sword-clanging treat."

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