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45 books added

Dave Bartell

Dave Bartell lives in Silicon Valley California and has made stuff up his entire life. His drive to understand how things work led him to study biochemistry. His dislike of rules caused him to buck the system, like the time he turned in a one-paragraph paper. It came back with "write more." He handed it back with "that's all I have to say."

Fortunately, his trouble-maker tendencies led to building high-tech products where the confluence of the real and the possible require a competent storyteller. Dave has led teams through six startups, two joint-ventures, three acquisitions and more than three billion dollars in sales. His stories have moved people to buy into the vision of a one-dot-oh version product.

A few years ago, with no time on his hands, he signed up for an online writing class after his wife had encouraged him to write for fun. The what-if mindset of high tech flowed straight into his fiction and a one-dot-oh novel. He hopes you enjoy his stories and invites you to share what you think at davebartell@gmail.com or learn more about him at davebartell.com


Genres: Thriller
New and upcoming books
June 2024

Louvre Escape
(Darwin Lacroix, book 7)
Darwin Lacroix
   1. Roman Ice (2018)
   2. Hypatia's Diary (2020)
   3. Templar's Bank (2020)
   4. Tuscan Hoax (2021)
   5. Sinai Deceit (2022)
   6. Genesis Plague (2023)
   7. Louvre Escape (2024)

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