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25 books added

Katie Berry


Katie Berry is a Canadian Author of Thrillers.

Born and raised in Ottawa, Ontario, Katie moved west to British Columbia during a family migration that occurred during the later-half of the 20th century.

A longtime writer and voracious reader, Katie enjoys a variety of creative and recreational activities when she's not absorbed in the written word.

With many years of keyboard experience, Katie is an avid digital musician, involved in many musical theatre and stage productions in the beautiful West Kootenay region of BC over the past several years.

An eye for detail helps Katie capture many magical moments with her camera as she interprets the natural beauty of the world that surrounds her through its lens.

Always looking for something new to advance her artistic experimentation, Katie is an accomplished sketch artist. She specialises in detailed drawings of friends, family and clients, including fur-babies, such as cats, dogs and the odd ferret.

After a lifetime of experience in numerous fields of endeavour, Katie now spends her days, and most nights, doing what she loves, bringing stories alive for people who enjoy a tale where the everyday suddenly becomes something much, much more...

Genres: Horror
   1. CLAW (2019)
   2. CLAW Resurgence (2021)
CLAW Emergence
   Caleb Cantrill (2020)
   Kitty Welch (2020)
   1. From the Shadows (2022)
   2. Into Daylight (2023)
   3. Return to Darkness (2023)
   Shut Up & Bleed (2023) (with others)

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