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19 books added

Jan Carson

Jan Carson is a writer and community arts facilitator based in Belfast. Her first novel, Malcolm Orange Disappears, was published in 2014 to critical acclaim, followed by a short story collection, Children’s Children (2016), and a flash fiction anthology, Postcard Stories (2017). Her work has appeared in numerous journals and on BBC Radio 3 and 4. In 2016 she won the Harper’s Bazaar short story competition and was shortlisted for the Seán Ó Faoláin Short Story Prize. She specializes in running arts projects and events with older people, especially those living with dementia. The Fire Starters is her second novel.

Genres: Literary Fiction
New and upcoming books
   Malcolm Orange Disappears (2014)
   The Fire Starters (2019)
   The Raptures (2022)
Novellas and Short Stories
   The Last Resort (2021)
Anthologies edited
   A Little Unsteadily into Light (2022) (with Jane Lugea)
Books containing stories by Jan Carson
The Black Dreams (2021)
Strange Stories from Northern Ireland
edited by
Reggie Chamberlain-King

Award nominations
2020 BBC National Short Story Prize (nominee) : In the Car With the Rain Coming Down

Jan Carson recommends
Heart, Be at Peace (2024)
Donal Ryan
"This is Donal Ryan at his most assured, moving deftly between voices, fully inhabiting every character, breaking his poor readers' hearts. Every chapter's a tiny epic. Every sentence seems to sing. Ryan's writing is both of the moment and utterly timeless in its ability to capture the essence of what it means to be alive, to love, to grieve and cling to hope."
Moderate to Poor, Occasionally Good (2024)
Eley Williams
"Eley Williams is a visionary writer. She does things with words most writers can only dream about. Reading Williams makes me want to up my game as a writer. Each story is a multi-layered, kaleidoscopic exploration of a moment. Williams writes with both buoyancy and tremendous weight."
Crooked Seeds (2024)
Karen Jennings
"Deidre's the kind of character who gets under your skin: furious, flawed, and utterly unique. Jennings writes about broken people with unflinching honesty and deep compassion. This is a quietly devastating novel."

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