6 books added

David J Lake

(David John Lake)
Australia (1929 - 2016)

David J Lake was educated in both India and England, then taught English in various countries, including Vietnam and Thailand. He began creative writing as a poet about 1970.

   Walkers on the Sky (1976)
   The Gods of Xuma (1978)
   The Fourth Hemisphere (1980)
   The Man Who Loved Morlocks (1981)
   The Ring of Truth (1982)
   Warlords of Xuma (1983)
   The Changelings of Chaan (1985)
   West of the Moon (1988)
   Hornpipes and Funerals (poems) (1973)
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Books containing stories by David J Lake
The Mammoth Book of Time Travel SF (2013)
(The Mammoth Book of ...)
edited by
Mike Ashley
Dreaming Down-Under (1999)
(Dreaming Down-Under, book 1)
edited by
Jack Dann and Janeen Webb

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1999 Ditmar Award for Best Short Story : The Truth About Weena
1998 Aurealis Award for Best Science Fiction Short Story : The Truth About Weena
1982 Ditmar Award for Best Novel : The Man Who Loved Morlocks
1977 Ditmar Award for Best Novel : Walkers on the Sky

Award nominations
1989 Ditmar Award for Best Novel (nominee) : West of the Moon
1986 Ditmar Award for Best Novel (nominee) : The Changelings of Chaan
1981 Ditmar Award for Best Novel (nominee) : The Fourth Hemisphere
1978 Ditmar Award for Best Novel (nominee) : The Wildings of Westron
1978 Ditmar Award for Best Novel (nominee) : The Right Hand of Dextra

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