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Peter Swanson

Peter Swansons poems, stories and reviews have appeared in such journals as The Atlantic, Asimovs Science Fiction, Epoch, Measure, Notre Dame Review, Slant Magazine, Soundings East, Rattapallax, and The Vocabula Review.
He has won awards in poetry from The Lyric and Yankee Magazine, and is currently completing a sonnet sequence on all 53 of Alfred Hitchcocks films.
 He has earned degrees in Creative Writing, Education, and Literature from Trinity College, the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, and Emerson College.

Genres: Mystery
New and upcoming books
Malcolm Kershaw
   1. Rules for Perfect Murders (2020)

     aka Eight Perfect Murders

   The Girl with a Clock for a Heart (2014)
   Her Every Fear (2017)
   All the Beautiful Lies (2018)
   Before She Knew Him (2019)
   Every Vow You Break (2021)
   Nine Lives (2022)
Novellas and Short Stories
   The Christmas Guest (2023)
Series contributed to
Books containing stories by Peter Swanson

Award nominations
2023 CrimeFest: eDunnit Award (nominee) : Nine Lives
2015 CWA Ian Fleming Steel Dagger (shortlist) : The Kind Worth Killing
2014 Los Angeles Times Book Prize for Mystery/Thriller (nominee) : The Girl with a Clock for a Heart

Peter Swanson recommends
The Stolen Coast (2023)
Dwyer Murphy
"Set in the grimy seaside milieu of Massachusetts' south coast, The Stolen Coast is a riveting heist thriller, witty and lyrical and tough."
The Senator's Wife (2023)
Liv Constantine
"Liv Constantine's The Senator's Wife is filled with secrets and switchbacks, cleverly concealing its best surprises for the final pages."
Watch Me Disappear (2023)
Ross Armstrong
"A twisty mystery through the perspective of a fractured brain. Original and Gripping."

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